We are holding our first LOHP Spring Plant and Craft Fair and are looking for stallholders. See below for more details.

We are holding our first LOHP Spring Plant and Craft Fair and are looking for stallholders. See below for more details.
The Art of Success is a fantastic team of volunteers - In this instance I'm referring to the amazing 'Art in Nature' art exhibition that we held at Blo' Norton Village Hall, Norfolk over the bank holiday weekend (25th and 26th August).
With 31 artists exhibiting there was something for everyone. We had over 23 volunteers helping over the weekend and 12 cake bakers. That's not including all the work that had been done prior to the event including all the paperwork and distributing the numerous flyers.
Over the two days we welcomed over 300 visitors, sold lots of artwork, and the teas and cakes flew out of the door. Our aim was to try to raise funds for our charity, LOHP, to help with its valuable work of protecting our unique species and habitats across the fens, and to raise our profile. With the positive feedback from visitors and artists, I think we have achieved this. A huge thank you to everyone involved - see you at the next one.
We received a nice surprise from Hopton Primary School in the form of thank you pictures and notes written by the children who had attended the river visit. They had all enjoyed their visit and even learnt a thing or two.
Thank you notes from Hopton Primary School © LOHP
The school also requested some more of the new LOHP Rubbing Guides. If your school is interested in a visit or the rubbing guides, please get in touch.