Volunteer Photography
Calling all photographers
LOHP needs help from photographers and those with digitising and printing equipment for all aspects of our work. We need good quality photographs in different styles to illustrate our publications and talks, record our work and archive important old photographs, maps and documents.
Photography in the wild
There are three main types of photography we need help with:
Photos that show our sites and their wildlife at their very best. This includes wonderful and inspiring shots of the habitats and landscapes, and great wildlife shots from the tiniest insects to birds and mammals.
Reportage style photographs that document the work of LOHP. We need coverage of events and activities, from work parties and school activities, through to meetings, contractors working on sites, and publicity events. Ideally we would like to develop a small band of photographers who we can contact when there is an event or activity that needs covering.
Help with restoring or retouching old photographs, scanning documents, images and maps, and producing digital versions for use for our reports, events, publications, website and social media. We could find a hundred uses for anyone with scanning equipment, Photoshop skills or photo-quality printing equipment.
Technical photographers who could undertake fixed-point photography schemes to monitor how our sites are changing as we manage them.
If you would like to help with one or more of these kinds of photography, then please contact us