Aug 6, 20191 min

Wildflowers make a come back at New Fen

Updated: May 28, 2022

A wonderful display of wildflowers can be seen on New Fen this year as the fen plants start to make a come back. New Fen had lost its fen habitat as it became colonised by trees, last year we set about removing them with many a volunteer task spent clearing vegetation.

Once the trees were gone a sea of nettles and thistles developed but with careful management these are now making way for some of the once lost fen plants. This is only the beginning we have a long way to go to match Thelnetham Fen next door, but we are well on our way. Next step will be to cut the fen vegetation once it has stopped flowering, this is a big job if you want to come along and lend a hand please get in touch with our Conservation Manager Ellie Beach ellie.beach@lohp.org.uk
